G.Pullaih College of Engineering and Technology briefly called as GPCET is one among the best educational institutes founded by Sri Guduri Pullaiah garu,a renowned Educationalist in the Kurnool District of Andra Pradesh state.


To flourish as a"Center for excellence" this college offered Technical Education and Reasearch Oppurtunities of very high standards to students instill high levels of discipline and strives to set global standards,making students technologically superior and ethically strong,who inturn shall contribute to the advancement of society and human kind


This logo is very contemporary in design.It is based on the theme of convergence.The different swatches of colours represent the different concentrations,coming together in a beautiful convergence,giving rise to a remarkable scene lifted from nature.Convergence by meaning is,"To come together from different directions."

This logo epitomizes GPCET to be the icon of knowledge,and communicates the institution's pioneering vision of a beautiful convergence of innovation and education in its different concentrations.
Colour in the logo is mainly the synchronisation and convergence representing various concentrations individually and merging together as a knowledge bank.The GPCET. The tag line reinforces the vision-'Pioneering Innovative Education'.


Brick red----->Stands for Strength
Ink Blue---->Represents Energy
Deep Yellow[denoting sunlight]---->Positive Flow of Energy and Joy of Learning
SpringGreen[denoting Growth]---->Creativity & Intelligence
MoonGreen---->Hope[a Bright Future]
IceBlue---->Vibrance emanating from the confidence of Knowledge

Wednesday, February 25, 2009








Answer any FIVE Questions

All Questions carry equal marks
1.(a)Explain about IAS memory formats. (b)List various registers in a computer along withtheir purpose [8+8]

2. (a) Find the output binary number after performing the following
arithmetic operations i. 111.01 + 10.111 ii. 11.01 + 110.11 iii. 110.11 -111.01 (b) Explain about the longhand division of binaryintegers[6+10]

3.(a)Describe various Pentium data types (b)Describe various common data transfer instruction set operations.

4. (a) List various R3000 pipeline stages. Also explain the function of each. (b) List and describe all shift and multiply/divide instructions of
MIPS R-Series processors. [8+8]

5. (a) Differentiate between single versus two-level caches. (b) Elaborate on Pentium Cache Organization. [8+8]
6. Discuss three possible techniques for I/O operations with merits and
demerits of each. [16]

7. (a) Discuss about I/O channel architecture. (b) Discuss about I/Oaddressing in 8086. (c) Discuss the salient features of laser printer [6+6+4]
8. (a) Give a summary of arithmetic and logical operations that are
defined for the vector architecture. (b) What is cache coherence problem. Discuss about different cache
coherance approches. [8+8] .....

1. (a) Explain the purpose and merits of interrupts. (b) Draw and explain the instruction cycle with interrupts. (c) What is interrupt handler? Explain its purpose. [6+6+4]
2. (a) How subtraction is done on the binary numbers represented in one’s
complement notation give an examples. (b) What do you mean byr’s complement. [8+8]

3. NOOP instruction has no effect on the CPU state other than
incrementing the program counter. Suggest some uses of this instruction with examples. [16]

4. Elaborate on different types of registers in a register organization

5. Discuss about address translation with segmentation and paging in
the Intel Pentium [16]

6. (a) How would CPU handles multiple devices. Explain with different
techniques available (b) Discuss the characteristics of Intel 8259A interrupt controller. [8+8]

7. (a) Discuss about I/O channel architecture. (b) Discuss about I/Oaddressing in 8086. (c) Discuss the salient features of laser printer [6+6+4]
8. (a) Classify and explain different multiprocessors (b) Explain the organization of tightly coupled multiprocessor system
with a generic block diagram. [8+8] .....

1. (a) Define PCI. Explain the applications of PCI (b) Describe anyten mandatory PCI signals.[8+8]
2. Write an algorithm to substract binary numbers represented in
normalized floating point mode with base 2 for exponent [16]

3. NOOP instruction has no effect on the CPU state other than
incrementing the program counter. Suggest some uses of this instruction with examples. [16]

4. Elaborate on different types of registers in a register organization [16]
5. Give a block diagram for a 4M×8 memory using 256K×1 memory chips. [16]
6. (a) Explain about magnetic disk layout (b) Elaborate on Winchester disktrack format. [8+8]
7. (a) Explain about microinstruction format of TI 8800 (b) Explain about ALUcontrol fields of IBM 3033 microinstruction. [8+8]
8. (a) Explain the following terms. i. Read miss ii. Read hit iii. Write miss iv. Write hit (b) Discuss different approaches to vector computation [8+8] .....

1. (a) Discuss the interconnection structure design of a computer. (b) Explain various bus lines. (c) What do you mean by multiple -bus hierarchies. [8+4+4]
2. (a) Find the output binary number after performing the arithmatic
operation using 1’s complement representation. i. 111.01 + 10.111 ii. 110.11 -111.01 (b) Explain steps involved in the addition of numbers using 2’s
complement notation. [10+6]

3. Discuss about various Pentium addressing modes with algorithms [16]
4. (a) List various R3000 pipeline stages. Also explain the function of each. (b) List and describe all shift and multiply/divide instructions of
MIPS R-Series processors. [8+8]

5. (a) Discuss about address translation in paging. (b) How does page size effects storage utilization and effective memory
data-transfer rate [8+8]

6. Discuss about data organization and formatting of magnetic disk in
detail [16]

7. Discuss about horizontal and vertical instruction formats. Also
differentiate between horizontal and vertical instruction formats. [16]

8. (a) Explain different types of parallel processors. (b) What do you mean bycompound instruction? Give examples (c) Elaborate on registers of the IBM3090 vector facility. [4+6+6] .....


1. Draw and explain program flow of control without and with
interrupts. [16]

2. Explain the following transitions: (a) Blocked ! Blocked/Suspended. (b) Blocked/Suspended! Ready/Suspended. (c) Ready/Suspended ! Ready. [5+5+6]
3. (a) What is a semaphore? What are the various operations defined on
it? (b) What is the difference between weaksemaphore and strong semaphore?
Explain. [8+8]

4. (a) Explain the uses of the following: i. Event Object ii. Mutex Object iii. Semaphore Object iv. Waitable timer Object. (b) Describe about mechanism used by Windows to implement
Synchronization of Critical Section objects. [8+8]

5. Explain paging scheme for memory management, discuss the paging
hardware and paging model. [16]

6. (a) Explain about the key scheduling criteria. (b) Give a detail note on short-term scheduling. [8+8]
7. (a) Explain hash file organization. (b) Discuss the address information elements ofa file directory. [8+8]
8. Write a note on: (a) Access control list of Windows 2000. (b) Standardaccess types of Windows 2000. (c) Access tokens of Windows 2000.
(d) Access maskof Windows 2000. [4+4+4+4] .....

1. Explain the basic instruction cycle with appropriate diagram. [16]
2. Explain about single threaded and multi threaded process models with
suitable diagrams. [16]

3. Give short note about the following : (a) Binary Semaphores. (b) Bounded Waiting. [8+8]
4. Explain about protection technique of critical section in LINUX. [16]
5. Explain any two techniques for structuring the page table. Discuss
with suitable examples. [16]

6. Suppose the head of a moving-head disk with 200 tracks, numbered 0
to 199, is currently servingarequest attrack143 andhasjust finished arequest
attrack125. If the queue of requests is kept in FIFO order: 86, 147, 91, 177, 94,
150, 102, 175, 130. What is the total head movement to satisfy these requests for the
following disk scheduling algorithms. (a) FCFS (b) Random (c) PRI (d) SCAN (e) SSTF (f) C-SCAN [16]

7. Explain various techniques implemented for free space management,
discuss with suitable examples. [16]

8. (a) Explain the flaws in one-way encryption of password strategy. (b) Write a briefnote on intrusion detection. [8+8] .....

1. Explain about the various memories hierarchy. [16]
2. What is a process? Explain different process states. [16]
3. Explain the solution for the critical section problem for multiple
processes. [16]

4. Explain the following LINUX Kernel concurrency mechanisms (a) Atomic Integer Operations (b) Atomic BitmapOperations. [16]
5. (a) Explain Paging hardware with translation look-aside buffer. (b) How memory protection can be accomplished in a paged environment?
Explain. [8+8]

Whatisthedifferencebetweenpreemptiveandnonpreemptivescheduling?Explain an algorithm for each scheduling type. [16]

7. (a) What aretherequirementsforaninteractive,generalpurpose
filemanagement system. (b) Discuss the elements of file management. [8+8]

8. (a) Give the classification of intruders. Explain each class. (b) Comparison User-Orientedaccess control with data-oriented access
control. [8+8] .....

1. What are the various objectives and functions of Operating Systems? [16]
2. What is a process? Explain different process states. [16]
3. What the design characteristics of Message Systems are of inter
process communication and synchronization? [16]

4. Explain the following LINUX Kernel concurrency mechanisms (a) Atomic Integer Operations (b) Atomic BitmapOperations. [16]
5. Explain segmentation scheme for memory management. Give the
segmentation hardware. [16]

6. (a) Discuss about N-step-SCAN policy for disk scheduling. (b) Explain how double buffering improves the performance than a single
buffer forI/O. (c) Differentiate between logical I/O and device I/O. [6+5+5]

7. (a) Discuss the objectives for file management systems. (b) Explain the file system Architecture. [8+8]
8. (a) Explain the various password selection strategies. (b) Discuss about UNIX passwordscheme. [8+8] .....


II B.Tech II Semester Supplimentary Examinations,
Apr/May 2008
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
Set No. 1

1. (a) Explain the drawbacks of traditional file processing systems with examples.(b) Explain the three levels of data abstraction. [7+9]
2. (a) What is a view? Explain the a views in SQL?(b) Explain nested queries with example in SQL ? [8+8]
3. (a) Which of the three basic file organizations would you choose for a file wherethe most frequent operations are as follows,i.Search for records based on a range of field values.ii. Perform insert and scans where the order of records does not matter.iii. Search for a record based on a particular field value.(b) Define dense index.(c) How does multi level indexing improve the performance of searching an indexfile[6+4+6]
4. (a) Explain about projection based on sorting.(b) Explain about projection based on hashing. [8+8]
5. (a) What is indexing ? Explain with an example.(b) Explain about query processing. [8+8]
6. (a) Explain functional dependencies and multivalued dependencies with examples.(b) Consider the relation R(A,B,C,D,E,F) and FD’sA ! BC F ! AC ! AD ! E E ! Dis the decomposition of R into R1 (A,C,D), R2 (B,C,D) and R3 (E,F,D) lossless? Explain the requirement of loss less decomposition. [8+8]
7. (a) Define the concept of a schedule for a set of concurrent transactions. Give asuitable example.(b) Explain how does granularity of locking affect the performance of concurrencycontrol algorithm. [8+8]
8. Explain WAL Protocol, UNDO algorithm, Check pointing and Media Recovery?[16]
Set No. 2
1. Write short notes on:(a) Key constraints(b) General constraints(c) Relational calculus. [6+5+5]
2. (a) What is a view? Explain the a views in SQL?(b) Explain nested queries with example in SQL ? [8+8]
3. (a) Explain the limitations of static hashing. Explain how this is overcome indynamic hashing.(b) Write a note on indexed sequential files. [10+6]
4. (a) Consider the following SQL query for a bank databaseSelectT.branch − nameFrombranchT, branchSwhereT.Assets ¿ S.assetsandS.branch − city = ”HY DERABAD′′Write an efficient relational algebra expression that is equivalent to the query.(b) Define query optimization and at what point during query processing doesoptimization occur? [8+8]
5. (a) What is indexing ? Explain with an example.(b) Explain about query processing. [8+8]
6. (a) Let R=(A,B,C,D,E) and letMbe the following set of multivalued dependenciesA− >> BCB− >> CDE− >> ADList the nontrivial dependencies in M+(b) Describe the properties of normalized and unnormalized relations. [10+6]
7. (a) Explain the concept of transaction atomicity.(b) How does the two phase locking protocol ensures serializability? [6+10]
8. Explain in detail the ARIES recovery method. [16]
Set No. 3
1. (a) What is DBMS? Explain the advantages of DBMS. [2+5=7](b) What is a data model? Explain the relational data model. [3+6=9]
2. (a) Give the various methods of managing data security.(b) Describe the “dynamic SQL”. [8+8]
3. Discuss the difference between index sequential and hashed file organizations. Com-pare their storage and access efficiencies. List the applications where each of thefile organization is suitable. [16]
4. (a) Consider the following SQL query for a bank databaseSelectT.branch − nameFrombranchT, branchSwhereT.Assets ¿ S.assetsandS.branch − city = ”HY DERABAD′′Write an efficient relational algebra expression that is equivalent to the query.(b) Define query optimization and at what point during query processing doesoptimization occur? [8+8]
5. Show that the following equivalences hold and explain how they can be applied toimprove the efficiency of certain updates.(a) (r1 [ r2) [ r3 = r1 [ (r2 [ r3)(b) r1 [ r2 = r2 = r2 [ r3(c) σp(r1 − r2) = σp(r1) − σp(r2) [5+4+7]
6. (a) List the three design goals for relational database and explain why they aredesirable.(b) Consider the relation scheme Emp Dept( Ename, SSN, Bdate, Address, Dnum-ber, Dname, DMGRSSN) and the following set of FD’sF={ SSN− > Ename,Bdate, Address, DnumberDnumber− > Dname, DMGRSSN}Calculate the closer {SSN}+ and {Dnumber}+ with respect to F. [6+10]
7. (a) What information does the dirty page table and transaction table contain?(b) Give a short notes on recovery from deadlock. [6+10]
8.Describe the shadow paging recovery technique. Under what circumstances does itnot require a log. [16]
Set No. 3
1. (a) What is a Data model ? List the important data models [8](b) Explaini. DDLii. DMLiii. Data sublanguageiv. Host language [2+2+2+2]
2. (a) Discuss the various DDL, DML commands with illustrations in SQL.(b) Why are null values not preferred in a relation? [12+4]
3. Give algorithms for inserting a new key into a B-tree [16]
4. (a) Discuss about cost based optimization.(b) Give a detailed account of heuristic optimization. [8+8]
5. (a) Discuss the reasons for converting SQL queries into relational algebra queriesbefore optimization is done.(b) What is meant by query execution plan? Explain its significance. [10+6]
6. (a) Explain the functional dependencies and multi valued dependencies with ex-amples.(b) What is normalization? Discuss the 1NF,2NF, and 3NF Normal forms withexamples. [8+8]
7. (a) Explain timestamp ordering with an algorithm.(b) Explain different locking Techniques for concurrency control. [8+8]
8. (a) When a system recovers from a crash ? In what order must transaction beUndone and Redone? Why is this order important?(b) What is a log in the content of DBMS? How does check pointing eliminatesome of the problems associated with log based recovery? [8+8]

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


1. (a) Write a note on the importance of education on environmental issues and concerns. '
(b) Describe the multidisciplinarynature of environmental studies. [8+8]
2. Explain the resources from following sources on which man depends and explain briefly.
(a) Atmosphere (b) Hydrosphere (c) Lithosphere [6+5+5]
3. (a) What is a grassland ecosystem and what are the activities in grasslands ?
(b) Whatactivitiesof manlead tothedestructionofgrasslandsandwhat arethe consequences of this? [8+8]
4. Discuss any two:
(a) Productive value of Nature.
(b) Aesthetic value of Nature
(c) Optional value of Nature [16]
5. (a) Oceans are ultimate sink for most of the waste we produce. Explain.
(b) List off shore sources of Marine Pollution.
(c) Explain the effects of oil pollution on the ocean. [8+4+4]
6. (a) Define watershed management and explain its objectives.
(b) Discuss various water conservation techniques that can be practiced by individuals. [8+8] 7. (a) Thoughpopulationgrowthshowsaglobaldecline,thereisstillcauseforworry. Explain why.
(b) Whatarethereasonsfor differencesintherateofpopulationgrowthinvarious countries. [8+8] 8. (a) Explaintheaspectstobestudied andtheprocedureforcollecting information when you want to document the environmental features and resource assets of a water resoure ecosystem during a field visit.
(b) Describe, in the format given above, the features ofany such ecosystem you have studied during field visit. [8+8] .....

1. (a) Define “Environmental Studies”?
(b) Explain the components and scope of Environmentalstudies. [4+12]
2. (a) Explain the problems created by construction of large dams for irrigation and power generation .
(b) State briefly the components ofcomprehensive water management strategy . [8+8]
3. (a) Define ecosystem and list components of an ecosystem.
(b) Briefly explain the manner in whichecosystems are destroyed by human activites. [10+6] 4. (a) Write a brief note on biodiversity and ecosystem diversity.
(b) Explain the evolution of diverse species in an ecosystem. [16]
5. (a) Listthewastesthat areprohibitedfromprocessingalongwith municipal solid waste. Discuss. (b) Briefly describe the methods of heating and disposalof solid waste. [8+8]
6. (a) What are the major issues associated with resettlement and rehabilitation?
(b) Bring out the main elements ofwater conservation. [8+8]
7. Explainthepush andpullfactorswhichlead tomigrationfromrural areasto urban centers. [16]
8. What are the problems encountered in the disposal of solid waste from various sources. Describe the outcome of poor management of solid waste, illustrating your answer with any case-study. [16] .....
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Write a detailed note on the various institutions and organizations in the field of ?preservation of wildlife and knowledge of natural history. [16]

2. (a) Discuss in detail the water cycle.
(b) Write about sustainable water management. [8+8]
3. (a) Define ecosystem and list components of an ecosystem.
(b) Briefly explain the manner in whichecosystems are destroyed by human activites. [10+6] 4. Discuss the aesthetic value of nature with respect to the following statements.
(a) A true wilderness experience is an incredible learning experience.
(b) The beauty of nature encompasses every aspect of the living and non-living part of our earth. [8+8]
5. (a) Oceans are ultimate sink for most of the waste we produce. Explain.
(b) List off shore sources of Marine Pollution.
(c) Explain the effects of oil pollution on the ocean. [8+4+4]
6. (a) Define watershed management and explain its objectives.
(b) Discuss various water conservation techniques that can be practiced by individuals. [8+8]
7. Write briefly about the steps that need to be taken as part of an overall plan for achieving global population stabilization. [16]
8. Explain the reasons for pollution of different types (water, air ,noise) that you have encountered in any region. Describe the problems created and suggest some remedial measures for the same. [8+8] .....
Answer any FIVE Questions

All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) Write a note on the importance of education on environmental issues and concerns.

(b) Describe the multidisciplinarynature of environmental studies. [8+8]
2. (a) What do you understand by biotic and a biotic parts of nature?
(b) Explain the interaction and interdependencyof these. [6+10]
3. (a) Explain the concept of food chain, food web and ecological pyramid.
(b)Explainthewatercycleandwhataretheproblemsthat arisewithdisturbances to the water cycle? [10+6]
4. Discuss the aesthetic value of nature with respect to the following statements.
(a) A true wilderness experience is an incredible learning experience.
(b) The beauty of nature encompasses every aspect of the living and non-living part of our earth. [8+8]
5. (a) Oceans are ultimate sink for most of the waste we produce. Explain.
(b) List off shore sources of Marine Pollution. (c) Explain the effects of oil pollution on the ocean. [8+4+4]
6. (a) What are the major causes of nuclear hazards and accidents.
(b) Discuss the ways to minimize radiation exposure in case ofa nuclear accident. [8+8]
7. (a) Tuberculosis is one the environmentally related contagious diseases. Write briefly about the effects of this disease.
(b) What is the extent ofspread of this disease in various parts of the globe? [6+10] '
8. (a) Explainthestepby stepproceduretorecord anddocumenttheenvironmental features and resource assets of an ecosystem during a field visit. 1 of2
(b) Describe, intheformatgivenabove,thefeaturesofany typeof any ecosystem you have studied during field visit. [8+8] .....


Code No: R05220501 Set No. 1

Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Elaborate on evolution of software. [16]
2. (a) Differentiate between prototyping and incremental models.

(b) Explain the unifiedapproach to software development. Discuss the merits and demerits of this approach.[6+6+4]
3. Discuss about principal requirements engineering activities and their relationships. [16]
4. (a) Define and explain about coupling and cohesion. Also differentiate between them. (b) Discuss the statement, “Abstraction and refinement are complementaryconcepts”. [5+3+8]
5. (a) WhatismeantbyUserInterface? What arethethreeareasthat userinterface design focuses? Explain them.

(b) Discuss the importance ofuser interface design? [10+6]
6. (a) The software analysis and design are constructive tasks, and software testing is considered to be destructive from the point of view of developer. Discuss.

(b) Who will test the software, either developer or an independent test group? Discuss the advantage and draw backs of each one. [8+8]
7. (a) Computethefunctionpoint valueforaproject with thefollowing information domain characteristics. Number of external inputs: 32 Number of external outputs: 60 Number of external inquires: 24 Number of external interface files: 2 Number of internal logical files: 8 Assume that all complexity adjustment values are average.

(b) What is an indirectmeasure? And how are such measures common in software metrics work? [8+8]
8. (a) What is meant by FTR? Discuss about review reporting and record keeping.

(b) State and explain the guidelines for formaltechnical reviews. [8+8] 1 of2

II B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations,

Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Give a generic view of Software Engineering. [16]
2. Discuss various evolutionary software process models in detail. [16]
3. Discuss an example of a type of system where social and political factors might strongly influence the system requirements. Explain why these factors are important in your example. [16]
4. (a) Define and explain abstraction and refinement. Also differentiate between them. (b) What is refactoring? Whyis it done? [4+4+3+5]
5. (a) What is a state machine model? Discuss with an example. (b) What is Object interface specification? Write a Java description of weather station interface. [8+8]
6. (a) Discuss about Security testing and Performance testing. (b) State and explain various debugging tactics. (c) What arethequestionsthat every softwareengineershouldaskbefore making the “Correction” that remove the cause of a bug? [6+4+6]
7. (a) Discuss about software tools for project and process metrics. (b) Discuss anyfour useful indicators for software quality. [8+8]
8. (a) Is it possible asses the quality of software if the customer keeps changing? What it is supposed to do? (b) Can a program be correct and still not exhibit good quality? Explain. [8+8] .....
II B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations,

Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) Explain the five software assessment principles. (b) Discuss about various phases ofassessment. [6+10]
2. (a) What is water fall model? How is it different from other engineering process models? (b) Explain various types ofevolutionary development. [5+5+6]
3. (a) Why requirements review is conducted? Discuss various types of it.

(b) What is requirements management? Whyis it needed? [8+8]
4. (a) Define interface. Discuss various types of interfaces. Give examples for each.

(b) What is component? Also explain about component diagrams.[3+3+3+3+4]
5. (a) State the design principles suggested by Mayer for OOD.

(b) OODtends to be programming language dependent. Why? [8+8]
6. (a) List some of the problems that might be associated with the creation of an independenttestgroup.

(b) Whyis a highly coupled module is difficult to unit test? [8+8]
7. (a) Discussthesevenprinciplesof risk management which were identifiedbySEI.

(b) Distinguish between generic risks and product specific risks. [10+6]
8. AFormalTechnicalReview(FTR) effectiveonly ifevery one has prepared inadvance. How do you recognize a review participant who has not prepared? What do you do if you are the review leader? [16] .....

II B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations,

Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) Explain the five software assessment principles.

(b) Discuss about various phases ofassessment. [6+10]
2. (a) What is water fall model? How is it different from other engineering process models?

(b) Explain various types ofevolutionary development. [5+5+6]
3. UsingyourownknowledgeofhowanATMis used,develop asetof use-casesthat could be used to derive the requirements for an ATM system. [16]
4. (a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of modularization.

(b) Whyshould not we over modularize? How would you decompose a software solutiontoobtainthebestsetof modules. [8+3+5]
5. Draw a sequence diagram showing the interactions of objects in a group diary system when a group of people arrange a meeting. [16]
6. (a) What is the overall strategy for software testing? Explain it clearly.

(b) Discuss a testing strategyfor Object-Oriented architectures. [10+6]
7. (a) Explain the size-oriented metrics with an example.

(b) Discuss about Function-orientedmetrics. [8+8]
8. What is meant by SQA? Discuss in detail SQA activities. [16] ...