G.Pullaih College of Engineering and Technology briefly called as GPCET is one among the best educational institutes founded by Sri Guduri Pullaiah garu,a renowned Educationalist in the Kurnool District of Andra Pradesh state.


To flourish as a"Center for excellence" this college offered Technical Education and Reasearch Oppurtunities of very high standards to students instill high levels of discipline and strives to set global standards,making students technologically superior and ethically strong,who inturn shall contribute to the advancement of society and human kind


This logo is very contemporary in design.It is based on the theme of convergence.The different swatches of colours represent the different concentrations,coming together in a beautiful convergence,giving rise to a remarkable scene lifted from nature.Convergence by meaning is,"To come together from different directions."

This logo epitomizes GPCET to be the icon of knowledge,and communicates the institution's pioneering vision of a beautiful convergence of innovation and education in its different concentrations.
Colour in the logo is mainly the synchronisation and convergence representing various concentrations individually and merging together as a knowledge bank.The GPCET. The tag line reinforces the vision-'Pioneering Innovative Education'.


Brick red----->Stands for Strength
Ink Blue---->Represents Energy
Deep Yellow[denoting sunlight]---->Positive Flow of Energy and Joy of Learning
SpringGreen[denoting Growth]---->Creativity & Intelligence
MoonGreen---->Hope[a Bright Future]
IceBlue---->Vibrance emanating from the confidence of Knowledge

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


1. Draw and explain program flow of control without and with
interrupts. [16]

2. Explain the following transitions: (a) Blocked ! Blocked/Suspended. (b) Blocked/Suspended! Ready/Suspended. (c) Ready/Suspended ! Ready. [5+5+6]
3. (a) What is a semaphore? What are the various operations defined on
it? (b) What is the difference between weaksemaphore and strong semaphore?
Explain. [8+8]

4. (a) Explain the uses of the following: i. Event Object ii. Mutex Object iii. Semaphore Object iv. Waitable timer Object. (b) Describe about mechanism used by Windows to implement
Synchronization of Critical Section objects. [8+8]

5. Explain paging scheme for memory management, discuss the paging
hardware and paging model. [16]

6. (a) Explain about the key scheduling criteria. (b) Give a detail note on short-term scheduling. [8+8]
7. (a) Explain hash file organization. (b) Discuss the address information elements ofa file directory. [8+8]
8. Write a note on: (a) Access control list of Windows 2000. (b) Standardaccess types of Windows 2000. (c) Access tokens of Windows 2000.
(d) Access maskof Windows 2000. [4+4+4+4] .....

1. Explain the basic instruction cycle with appropriate diagram. [16]
2. Explain about single threaded and multi threaded process models with
suitable diagrams. [16]

3. Give short note about the following : (a) Binary Semaphores. (b) Bounded Waiting. [8+8]
4. Explain about protection technique of critical section in LINUX. [16]
5. Explain any two techniques for structuring the page table. Discuss
with suitable examples. [16]

6. Suppose the head of a moving-head disk with 200 tracks, numbered 0
to 199, is currently servingarequest attrack143 andhasjust finished arequest
attrack125. If the queue of requests is kept in FIFO order: 86, 147, 91, 177, 94,
150, 102, 175, 130. What is the total head movement to satisfy these requests for the
following disk scheduling algorithms. (a) FCFS (b) Random (c) PRI (d) SCAN (e) SSTF (f) C-SCAN [16]

7. Explain various techniques implemented for free space management,
discuss with suitable examples. [16]

8. (a) Explain the flaws in one-way encryption of password strategy. (b) Write a briefnote on intrusion detection. [8+8] .....

1. Explain about the various memories hierarchy. [16]
2. What is a process? Explain different process states. [16]
3. Explain the solution for the critical section problem for multiple
processes. [16]

4. Explain the following LINUX Kernel concurrency mechanisms (a) Atomic Integer Operations (b) Atomic BitmapOperations. [16]
5. (a) Explain Paging hardware with translation look-aside buffer. (b) How memory protection can be accomplished in a paged environment?
Explain. [8+8]

Whatisthedifferencebetweenpreemptiveandnonpreemptivescheduling?Explain an algorithm for each scheduling type. [16]

7. (a) What aretherequirementsforaninteractive,generalpurpose
filemanagement system. (b) Discuss the elements of file management. [8+8]

8. (a) Give the classification of intruders. Explain each class. (b) Comparison User-Orientedaccess control with data-oriented access
control. [8+8] .....

1. What are the various objectives and functions of Operating Systems? [16]
2. What is a process? Explain different process states. [16]
3. What the design characteristics of Message Systems are of inter
process communication and synchronization? [16]

4. Explain the following LINUX Kernel concurrency mechanisms (a) Atomic Integer Operations (b) Atomic BitmapOperations. [16]
5. Explain segmentation scheme for memory management. Give the
segmentation hardware. [16]

6. (a) Discuss about N-step-SCAN policy for disk scheduling. (b) Explain how double buffering improves the performance than a single
buffer forI/O. (c) Differentiate between logical I/O and device I/O. [6+5+5]

7. (a) Discuss the objectives for file management systems. (b) Explain the file system Architecture. [8+8]
8. (a) Explain the various password selection strategies. (b) Discuss about UNIX passwordscheme. [8+8] .....

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